Cutting down "Punks"...
(too old to reply)
2013-10-18 05:10:03 UTC
Well this guy should definitely be banned for selling this type of kite string!!!
I never heard of something this bad??
Subject: Re: Cutting down "Punks"...
You might as well outlaw fishing too. Most of the gulls that I see
that are caught up in something are wrapped in fishing line. I've seen
them with lures hanging off and everything. I've had a gull or two run
into my lines, spectra, but they all have flown off unharmed.
Maybe the solution to this particular issue is to ban seagulls? ^_^
More seriously, I think it is valuable to discuss manjha and kite fighting, and
the problem posed by somebody like the e-bayer trying to sell glass-coated line
for the purposes of vandalizing other kites.
My experience with cutting line is seldom -- I own a few spools of the stuff
that I take to kite demos/workshops, for "show and tell" purposes, and recently
had an expensive piece of line-laundry badly shredded by some cutting line.
That's about it...
(Fortunately, I can sew just barely well enough to make repairs, so I'm looking
on it as a "no blood, no foul" situation.)
Personally, I'd hate to see bans on the responsible use of cutting line in
traditional kite fighting -- key word being "responsible," and responsible
including things like "recover your cut line, keep away from other
non-combatant fliers, don't fight where cut-loose kites and line can drift onto
my expensive line laundry" etc.
The e-bay maroon is pretty clearly a long darned way from being responsible,
and is urging the cutting line he's selling be used to attack and offend and
vandalize. I know of several complaints to e-bay, and it wouldn't hort for
anybody else to do the same -- the more the merrier -- whether one is opposed
to manjha or supports the rights of manjha-users and wants to protect said
rights from the restrictions that would be more likely if folks buy from this
guy and use the line as advertised.
So far, nobody has bid on his line, and hopefully if somebody buys it, uses it
as advertised and gets their pants sued offa them, the clever litigating
attorney(s) will think of going back up the chain to the seller (and, Hey,
e-bay, the first rule of lawyering is "never sue poor people." E-bay
represents the first Big Money as you follow the chain of responsibiullity back
from this cutting line. Just a thought...)
Keep 'em flying,
Jim Martin
Region 4 Director, AKA (www.aka.kite.org)
Buy NKM logo stuff here ---> www.cafepress.com/kitemonth
"This line is so good, it surely must end in a kite!"
-- Ethelred the Unready
2013-10-18 05:11:25 UTC
Here's what I wrote to the person offering the glass coated kite line for
sale. Don't know if it will do any good or not...
Dave Cannell
It would be greatly appreciated if you would PLEASE remove this item form
the bidding. Think how much YOU wouldn't like it if YOUR expensive kite
got cut out of the air.
This is the kind of device the kiting community is attempting to NOT let
get started.
Sincerely, Dave Cannell
(A Kiter)
And here is his response... Sick puppy.
dave, please understand that my string is of a higher quality then the
typical indian glass string, mine is made in tiajuana.
It's not alway's a bad thing to slice someone's kite up, think about it,
if someone is getting in your air space that is likely to tangle with your
expensive kite and send your kite crashing to the ground, well then
wouldn't you rather see there kite crash to the ground?
Common sense Dave, if someone attacks you dont you attack back?
well same thing with kites, when there kite attacks yours, take it out!
Please purchase my string and try it before you knock it, and remember
mine is of a higher quality then the cheap india string.
I will knock $1.00 off the shipping price for you so you can try it and
see that it's actually a good thing.
Does this guy still sell this glass string???!!!
2013-10-18 05:13:06 UTC
Can you tell me where I can buy this string?
Here's what I wrote to the person offering the glass coated kite line for
sale. Don't know if it will do any good or not...
Dave Cannell
It would be greatly appreciated if you would PLEASE remove this item form
the bidding. Think how much YOU wouldn't like it if YOUR expensive kite
got cut out of the air.
This is the kind of device the kiting community is attempting to NOT let
get started.
Sincerely, Dave Cannell
(A Kiter)
And here is his response... Sick puppy.
dave, please understand that my string is of a higher quality then the
typical indian glass string, mine is made in tiajuana.
It's not alway's a bad thing to slice someone's kite up, think about it,
if someone is getting in your air space that is likely to tangle with your
expensive kite and send your kite crashing to the ground, well then
wouldn't you rather see there kite crash to the ground?
Common sense Dave, if someone attacks you dont you attack back?
well same thing with kites, when there kite attacks yours, take it out!
Please purchase my string and try it before you knock it, and remember
mine is of a higher quality then the cheap india string.
I will knock $1.00 off the shipping price for you so you can try it and
see that it's actually a good thing.
2013-10-18 05:13:20 UTC
David, please buy up his entire stocks to save us from this crazy flier
Anyone know this charming fellow??
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